Just the other day, I was giving a simple talk on breast feeding based on my own personal experience. I thought I might as well share some of the presentation notes I made. These notes are based on the books I read and through my own experience that I found to be effective and relevant.
20 Tips for successful breast feeding
1. Be committed, motivated and positive towards breast feeding. Learn to trust your body and be confident.
2. If there were no complications with the delivery or baby, try putting the baby to the breasts as soon as possible, preferably within the first hour.
3. Make sure you are comfortable with good support for your back and arms.
4. Position the baby facing the breasts squarely so he is comfortable and relaxed.
5. Make sure that you have adequate rest, as a tired mother will produce less milk.
6. It is important to continue eating a balanced diet so your baby will get the right nutrients. Avoid alcohol, herbs, stimulants especially in the first 2 weeks.
7. Milk does not come in until the 3rd or 4th day. So do not worry that your baby will be hungry as the colostrum in the early days will be sufficient to meet his needs.
8. Your baby will make out his own schedule rather than follow your time table. Which could be every 1 or 2 hours.
9. If your baby is getting enough milk, he should get wet 6-8 times a day and have several small bowel movements per day. You can also check his weight. He should gain approximately 200grams per week during the first 3 months.
10. Milk can be expressed by hand or with a breast pump. Expressed milk can be kept in an air conditioned room for 6 hours, 24 hours in the fridge and up to 2 months in the freezer. Do not boil or microwave the milk. Thawed milk should be used within 4 hours and should not be refrigerated or frozen again.
11. Listen to soothing music and sip a nutritious drink during feedings.
12.Try using 3 different positions to find which ones suit you and baby. The football hold position, lying on your side position and cradle hold. The football hold is the most comfortable for those who had caesarean section and for the early days when baby is learning to latch on. Lying on the side is useful if you have backache or are extremely tired.
13. If your nipples are sore, dab a little breast milk on your nipples after each feed. Alternatively, you may apply a protective and regenerative ointment that is gentle enough for frequent application. It is also better to use an ointment that needs not be washed off prior to feeding, so that it does not pose any danger to baby in case of ingestion.
14. Practice rooming in. This means baby stays in the room with you 24 hours a day.
15. Unless medically indicated, all feeds should be breast feeds.
16. Alternate the breast that you start the feed on.
17. Ensure that your baby has proper and good latch on.
18. Find positive supporters. Have people who are supportive, encouraging and preferably knowledgeable of breast feeding around you.
19. Be selective in your choice of birthplace and caregivers. Ensure that they have breast feeding policy.
20. Prepare suitable clothing for breast feeding.
And if you want to increase your breast milk, do search up on galactagogues. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galactagogue
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