Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fluffy Puffs Monsters

Today I attempted to teach Maya about colors through colorful puff balls. Really cute stuff. She was a little bit too excited with all the things laid out in front of her that she decided to start off before me. And well, being the "Princess" today, she has all the say. Maya asked me to make a few more things for her with the pipe cleaners as well. :) Her favorite word " Make!".

Today's activity: To learn about colors through colorful puff balls; making Fluffy Puff Monsters.

Items: Colorful puff balls in a few sizes, goggly eyes, colorful pipe cleaners, plastic knife, scissors, pva glue, celophane tape, wooden chopstick and art cards cut circles.

Method: Stick the goggly eyes on the art card.

Slather glue on the art card with the plastic knife and put the puff balls on the glue. ( It took quite a lot of glue to stick the puff balls on the art card. It also took quite a while before it finally dried. )

Cut the pipe cleaners to your desired length and twirl the pipe cleaners around the chopstick. Stick it behind the art cart with celophane tape.

And if you like, you can stick your current monster on a bigger round art card to make it more sturdy. Leave it overnight to fully dry out.


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